
Guns > Books

“American ‘Freedom’ Values Guns More Than Books”

Guns kill. Books liberate. So why are books being banned, while guns are not?


Avorah is #DeepLez

“Hacks” Gives Us a Lesbian Intergenerational Relationship

I dusted off my lesbian spectacles to read into the romance between Deborah Vance and Ava Daniels.


Giving Up Equality

“Women Deserve Better Than Equality”

It is time we give up the ghost of equality and redirect our attention and resources to freedom.


The Latest News

September 13, 2024

September 5th marks the first book anniversary of “Breaking Free.” Honestly, it’s been a challenging year — promoting and publicizing my book (and trying to find events) is a full-time job that I simply do not have time for. And people I expected to do this work — ones contractually obligated — have failed to do so. It’s really been a year punctuated by failed expectations.(DOWNER!) Also, disappointing feminists. One well-known feminist, for instance, said she turned down reviewing my book for The New Yorker because “we’re friends” — granted, I met up with her once and she has not been in touch with me since. And because I believe GENOCIDE IS WRONG, certain “feminists” who are z**nists just have ghosted me. With such friends, who needs enemies? Sigh.

This is all to say, I am looking to hire folks to promote my work. You can also contact me directly about booking an event, lecture, and/or classroom or organization visit.

My thanks,

~ Marcie



Connect With Me

Whether you want to chat about an idea, ask me to write for you or give a lecture, you can contact me here.